New Bridal Maroon full Set with AD stones
New Silver Bridal full Set with White AD stones
Jhumar/Pasa - Poppy collection
Jhumar/Pasa - Lilly collection
Jhumar/Pasa - Dahlia collection
Jhumar/Pasa - Peony collection
Jhumar/Pasa - Daisy collection
Double Jhumki earrings with mint beads and pearls
Large Collar - bottle green beads and pearls with jhumki earrings
Jhumki earrings with ruby stone and beading
Antic plated bangles with LCT ad stones and pearls
Antic bangle pear shaped gold Ad stones with pearl bells
Large Collar - maroon beads and faux pearls with jhumki earrings
Lilly Collection
Antic tikka with gold ad stones and fuschia beads
Dahlia Collection
Large Jhumar/Pasa - Full lct ad stones with pearl beads
Choker set - antic pearl beads with jhumki earrings
Rhodium plated bangles with pear shaped white ad stones
Large Collar - antic pearl beads with jhumki earrings
Neutral Bangle Set
Antic round tikka - gold stones with fuschia beads
Antic Tikka - Dahlia Collection
Jhumki earrings - Peony Collection
Antic tikka with gold ad stones and pink beads
Antic Tikka - Peony Collection
Jhumki earrings with peach stone and beading
Antic tikka with gold ad stones and bottle green beads
Antic Tikka - Lilly Collection
Antic tikka with gold ad stones and mint beads
Dahlia Collection - Earrings
Antic Tikka - Poppy Collection
Antic tikka with gold ad stones and pearls
Antic tikka with gold ad stones
Double Jhumki earrings with white beads and pearls